
Does Chocolate Stain Walls? -oneshot-

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Nicholas needs a cute story like there is no freaking tomorrow!

The poor boy has been stuck in a world of angst since he was created and he needs a little sunshine in his depressing life. Plus I've been in an mpreg/ post-mpreg mood and have been really wanting to write Nicholas as being the son of Ivan and Ludwig this time.

So, here is just a cute little story with Nicholas and his parents.

Summery: Nicholas askes his Papa to help him make a cake for his Vati, which probably isn't the smartest idea when your Papa doesn't know how to make one in the first place.

Warning: past mpreg, fluff, Ludwig breaking the sound barrier

Pairing: Ivan/Ludwig

I own nothing but little Nicholas Gilbert Beilschmidt-Braginski, please don't take my little baby from me! He's mine! (And Ludwig's, and Louise's, and Ivan's... lol)

NOTE! Ivan calls Nicholas Nic because one, someone commented on my story with him and called him that, two, Nic is a very short nickname for my own name (don't try to figure out my name), and three, according to my Russian teacher Russians LOVE to give people nicknames. They think that nicknames are adorable to give to people and most are usually good ones. Another name that Ivan gives to Nicholas is Medvezhonok (bear cub) since Nicholas plush toy is Medved (bear).

On with the fic!


Does Chocolate Stain Walls?


Ludwig liked to make cakes, Nicholas knew this very well. He had seen his Vati make cakes for different people and different occassions and they all tasted wonderful, even if Nicholas didn't like the fruit put into some of them. They were always the best and
Nicholas loved seeing his Vati when he was baking, he looked to be in his element.

Even Ivan liked to watch, though he wasn't always watching the baking but looking more at the baker himself. On serveral occassions, Ludwig has slapped Ivan when he caught him watching the German when he was bent over to look at the dish in the oven.

Today, Ludwig was out (spending some time with Feliciano and Kiku who had asked if he wanted to spend the afternoon with them), and Ivan was left to watch Nicholas. The Russian sat at the table, looking over some paper work he had, Nicholas sitting at the table with the hand-made plush bear in his hands named Medved.

Violet eyes watched as Ivan wrote something down in Russian, the cursive letters looked like squiggles to the five year old. The boy was bored, he liked when Papa wasn't working, because then he would play with him, but Ivan had to get this stuff done or his boss would get mad. And on top of the boredom, the little boy was hungry.

"Papa?" Nicholas asked, looking at the large nation.

Ivan blinked and looked at his son over his glasses. "Da, Nic?"

"I'm hungry."

"There is food in the kitchen, Papa is busy right now little one and I need to finish this."

Nicholas pouted and left the table with Medved in tow. "Papa says there is food in here, but I want cake." A thought came to his mind and the boy smiled, a smile almost identical to his Russian father's. "Let's make our own! Why do you think Medved? Should we make one and then let Vati try it?"

The bear's head flopped forward and the child took that as a yes. He placed the bear on the counter and went to get his foot stool from the bathroom. Coming back, he placed it by the cabnets to get a mixing bowl down. Even though his parents were two of the tallest nations, the poor boy was short and couldn't reach the knob to the cabnet where the bowls were kept.

He frowned and jumped up and down, trying to reach for it. "Yee!" He yelped and fell off the stool, falling to the ground on his bottom. He blinked and started to get teary-eyed, that really hurt!

Ivan, who was still working, heard the yelp and then heard his son start to cry. The Russian stood right up and rushed to the kitchen, finding the boy on the floor, whining softly. "Oh Nic, what happened?" He asked, picking the boy up.

"I fell..." Nicholas sniffed and Ivan reached up, cleaning the stray tears from the boy's chubby little cheeks.

"What were you doing? You're snacks are down below so you can get to them." Ivan spoke, holding his little boy close.

"I wanted to make a cake, like Vati does..."

The nation blinked and smiled brightly. "That is so cute little Nic! But you should have waited until Vati came home to make one."

"But I wanted to make it on my own!"

Ivan let out a laugh of delight at the cute little pout on his boy's face, he was a sucker for cute things, just like Ludwig was. "How about I help you, da? Would you like it if Papa helped~?"

"Ja!" Nicholas smiled, tears forgotten. Ivan smiled and ruffled his son's slightly curly hair before looking at the bookshelf in the kitchen, looking to see what book to use. "Can we make chocolate cake Papa?" Nicholas asked, chocolate was his favorite.

The other nodded and found Ludwig's favorite book to use. He flipped through it after placing Nicholas on the counter and spotted a simple recipe for chocolate cake. "Looks simple enough~" Ivan smiled but inside he was confused since he wasn't one to bake. In fact, Ivan only knew how to cook a few things, his sisters, Toris, and Ludwig have been the ones to usually cook for him.

But he was going to help his adorable baby boy make a cake for Ludwig so he'd do his best! However, he didn't understand what the hell he was suppose to be doing. Once he found all the ingredients, which took about ten minutes to find everything, Ivan looked at the book. "Umm... let's start mixing in the... dry ingredients first, da?"

The boy smiled and pointed to the sugar. "Lots of that!" He loved sugar, it was always so yummy to him. Ivan chuckled at this and patted his head again.

"We have to put in the right amount, but here Medvezhonok~" He took a spoon and scooped a bit of the sweet grains and put it in the boy's mouth. "Good, da?"

Nicholas nodded and giggled, watching as Ivan did his best to measure the flour and sugar, getting some on the counter and floor. They ignored the mess as they started to crack the eggs, two of those also ended up on the floor. "Let's add in the rest of the wet ingredients and... oh dear! We forgot the chocolate!"

"Here it is Papa!" Nicholas smiled, holding up the container, that had been opened, and getting some of the cocoa dust on both of them. They paused and laughed before adding in the brown powder. Once that was in, the rest of the ingredients went in, though Nicholas wanted to add in more sweet stuff to the mix.

They looked at the contents of the bowl and knew they had to mix it up. Ivan handed the electric mixer to his son, telling him to hold onto it while he started up the oven. As Ivan was distracted, the little boy looked at the device in his hand and saw a little switch. Vati always clicked it when he used it. The little boy smiled and placed the mixers into the bowl and turned it on.

And then all hell broke loose.

Ivan quickly turned and suddenly cake batter splattered everywhere. "Nyet!" Ivan reached out and pulled the plug, stopping the mixer. He turned to see Nicholas covered in cake mix and looking terrified, violet eyes started to get teary again before the water works started.

"Oh my poor little Nic..." Ivan frowned a little and grabbed some paper towels to clean the crying boy's face. "You should have let me use that..."

"B-but I wanted to use it like -hic- V-Vati does..!" Nicholas cried and Ivan smiled a bit, getting the stuff off the boy's face.

"Alright, how about take your shirt off and then I'll help you use it on the rest of the stuff in the dish, da?"

Nicholas looked at him, sniffled a little and then nodded before smiling at his father. Ivan took off the little Russian-German boy's shirt and placed it beside Medved before turning on the mixer, being careful as Nicholas held his father's hand to try and help him with the device.

Once they got it the way they think Ludwig gets it, they poured the mix into a pan, though Ivan almost forgot to spray it. It was place in the over and the boys turned to one another, grinning. "So, what shall we do now?" Ivan asked.

"Lick the bowl?"

"Sounds like a plan!"


Ludwig sighed as he entered his home, removing his shoes. Feliciano and Kiku had just dropped him off and though Ludwig had enjoyed his day with his friends, he was tired and wanted to spend time with his family. He heard giggling, two sets actually, and raised an eyebrow.

'What are they doing?' He wondered but as he entered the living room, he raised an eyebrow at the sight. His son was sitting in his father's lap, shirtless, and eating frosting with his fingers, Ivan was doing the same as they watched something on the T.V. "Umm... what are you doing?"

Nicholas turned and smiled brightly at his other father. "Vati! We made a cake!" The boy crawled out of Ivan's lap and rushed to the table, pointing at the cake that had a large layer of frosting on it. Ludwig blinked and looked at his son before looking at his lover, smiling slightly at how nice it was that they did this kind of thing.

"Can you try it for us?" Nicholas asked, smiling up at the German, it was then that Ludwig noticed there were clumps of dried cake mix and egg in his son's blond hair. He would question him later but first he had to try this out. Finding a fork set out for him, probably Ivan's doing, Ludwig took a bit of the cake and placed it in his mouth.

He made a face, it was very... different from what he or Roderick usually made, but he swallowed it. "It's... a little too sweet and I taste sour, did you put the right amount of tartar into it?"

"I... think so?" Ivan held a sheepish grin on his face, he didn't know the different between a teaspoon and a tablespoon sometimes. "But other then that, what do you think?"

"It's good." Ludwig smiled. "Thank you boys." He kissed Ivan's cheek (though he was blushing while doing so) and kissed Nicholas' head. "Though I do have a question for you two."

"What is it?" Ivan blinked.

Ludwig pointed at the little boy. "Why does he look like this?"

Ivan paled a little. "Oooh... don't go into the kitchen for a bit okay? I will be right back..." As he tried to sneak away, Ludwig grabbed his arm, a pissed looking smile was on his face.

"What did you do to my clean kitchen?" Ivan suddenly paled and tried to escape the death grip on his arm, sometimes Ludwig could be scarier then Natalia...

The German dragged Ivan with him and got a good look at the mess in the kitchen. Though it didn't seem like Ludwig screamed, his mouth was kept closed, the man's dogs started to whine and tried to cover their ears at the sudden sound.

Later, the two men were in the kitchen cleaning, with Nicholas watching, sucking chocolate frosting off his fingers he took from his cake.



God damn this was... so weird to write! I haven't written anything fluffy and cute in freakin' forever and this was all I could come up with. I should probably never write this kind of stuff again... I suck so much..! orz *hides from world under her bed*

Btw, the next installment to Nicholas' little story set is currently failing. I really need help, like, for serious guys. For some reason I can't get anything to work for me so if someone is will to be a pure and honest sweetie and would love to help me, that would be fantastic! I will draw you whatever you want (thought I have my limits on 'whatever') in exchange!

Also, I drew what Nicholas looks like at a young age and as a teen, he... he kind of looks a little like Barnaby (from Tiger & Bunny) with the hair style I gave him. However he has sideburns, gold hair (not pale yellow), violet eyes, and a Russia nose so he only shares a similar hair style with Barnaby and that's it.

Anyway, please review but please don't bash my work, this was just written for fun.
Feel out of bed, couldn't sleep again so I decided to just post this up. Just wanted something cute to happen to Nicholas once in his life.

I'm going back to bed, will add in a better description later.
© 2012 - 2024 RiYuYami
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marzhamster12's avatar
awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: that was so good!! :D i loved it!